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Beaware CA Student: Well ICAI Change Time for ICITSS Advanced IT Test Exam timing

CA Exam: Well now ICAI changes Time for Advanced CA student are now give ICITSS-Advanced IT Test

Now the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India (ICAI) has changed the exam time for Advanced ICITSS-Advanced IT test to be held on 27th April 2019 for some centres in Mumbai, Chennai, Pune, Rajkot Surat, Thane, Vasai, and Kohlapur.
Well Earlier, the announcement made by the ICAI on the date of 4th April said that the test is scheduled to be held from 10.30 AM to 12.30 PM on 27th April 2019.

CA exam are now postpond and now new changes are come as well. “While the test will be held in all the centers, as per the timings mentioned above, for some of the candidates in the cities listed below, it will be held from 2:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m., due to unavoidable circumstances,” the ICAI said in a statement today.
Well if you want to knowing more information about it then check detailed list is available on the official website of the ICAI.

Many CA Student are now face difficulty due to those changes. The timings of the test are also mentioned in the admit cards. Admit are hosted on Candidates are advised to download and print their respective admit cards and check the timings of their test. Candidates are advised to report for the test, as per the reporting time indicated in their admit card. No late entry will be permitted, the announcement said.

If you want to more information and update then check ICAI official website. 


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